

A fully automated movie and TV show guessing game for your Twitch chat.

You can play it in your preferred language and filter for genres, years and ratings. Hints (like the cast) are coming along the way to help your viewers out. Accommodated by a one-click import for OBS.


1. This extension requires an API key by TMDB. It is completely free to use, but you will need to sign up and request an API key. You'll get one immediately.

https://www.themoviedb.org/settings/api Click the link above and sign up for an account. Click to generate the API key, choose Developer and fill in the form. You can write whatever you want, no real names needed, you might just need a little more text for the description. You can totally write you are using it for your Twitch stream and link your channel though.

After that, leave the page with your API Key open, we will need it in a minute.

2. For playing with OBS, you'll need to install three OBS Plugins:

1. Stroke Glow Shadow (by the GOAT Finite Singularity): https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/stroke-glow-shadow.1800/
2. Advanced Masks (also by the GOAT Finite): https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/advanced-masks.1856/
3. Source Copy (by the other GOAT Exeldro): https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/source-copy.1261/

Install all of those. Also make sure your OBS is up to date.

3. Copy the Action Import text from above into your clipboard.

4. In Streamer.bot, click the Import button at the top of the window. Paste the text into the Import String section and press Import at the bottom.

5. Now head to the Commands tab and look for the imported commands. Then rightclick the group and select Group -> Enable All.

6. Now head into the [MOVIE & TV SHOW QUIZ] # 0 - Settings action, rightclick the Test trigger and hit Test Trigger to open the Settings UI. Copy your API Key from before and paste it into API Key.

Make sure your OBS is connected, scroll down a little and click on Create below Create OBS Sources. This will create the scene and sources in your OBS, which you can then nest into your other scenes.

And done! You are good to go. Happy guessing :) !

Pog Clap



Starts the quiz. Entering a number will determine the amount of rounds played.


Ends the game after the current round has finished.


Immediately ends the game.


Shows the total games and how many movies the user has guessed correctly.


Under Custom -> MOVIE & TV SHOW QUIZ you will be able to find a bunch of triggers that populate variables with all the info you need.

Correct Guess (single round played)

Fires when only one round is played and someone guesses the title correctly.

Provides user variables:

_user, _userName, _userId, _userProfilePicture

Correct Guess (multiple rounds played)

Fires when multiple rounds are played and someone guesses the title correctly.

Provides user variables:

_user, _userName, _userId, _userProfilePicture

No Correct Guess

Fires when no one guesses the correct title.

Most Correct Guesses (multiple rounds played)

Fires after all rounds have been played.

Provides user variables:

_user, _userName, _userId, _userProfilePicture, _userCorrectGuesses

Round Starting

Fires when a round starts.

Round Halftime

Fires after half the time has passed.

Round Ending

Fires when a round ends.

Hint Showing

Fires whenever a hint shows.


Due to the nature of how I coded this piece of garbabe (LUL), the trigger just throws ALL variables into the pot.

To see which ones are available, go into the Action Queues -> Action History tab and check the action. It'll show all available variables:


The Settings UI allows you to filter stuff and set custom messages.

You can change the general settings here. Chat hints, hint times, duration, language, you get the idea...

Movie Settngs
This tab has all the Movie options. You can filter for genres, release dates, votes, rating and language.

TV Show Settings
Same as above, but for TV shows.

Chat Responses
Customize your own chat responses here. Allows the use of variables that are listed there.

Translate some terms for the overlays and chat responses.


What's the criteria for typing the correct title?

There's an 'algorithm' that calculates the difference between two texts. This allows for typos and other differences in answer vs. title to make it count. I'm adding a bunch of variants of the title to a list to make it as convenient as possible while at the same time maintaining some kind of accuracy. Titles seperated by : or - like Star Wars - The Force Awakens will make both parts count as an answer, Star Wars and The Force Awakens. If a title contains a part number, like Toy Story 2 or Star Wars Episode IV, the answer MUST contain that number, no matter how close the title otherwise is. The number in the answer can be numeric or roman. Remember: not every edge case can be handled and sooner or later, you will stumble upon things that should have counted while they didn't and vice versa.

Do my settings persist across updates?

Yes, they're saved as global variables.

What if my filter settings are too narrow?

This can happen, there aren't infinite movies and TV shows. But the extension will give you Windows Toast-notifications if that's about to happen. So make sure to enable notifications.

Is there a leaderboard?

While there's no integrated leaderboard, stats are still being tracked. You can use any Streamer.bot extensions done by other people (like pwnyy) and use the global user variable tawmae_userCorrectGuesses_MOVIE_AND_TV_SHOW_QUIZ to display the top rank.

Can I exclude animes and cartoons?

Sure, you can either exclude the genre Animation and/or Japanese language in the Movie/TV Show Settings.

Can I use triggers other than a command?

Yes, any trigger works. By default, the round count is set to 1. But you can populate a rounds argument/variable to set the rounds played. If rawInput is populated too, it will take priority over rounds.

How do I reset the stats?

Settings UI -> General -> Very Bottom -> Reset Stats

Can I customize the design?

Since it's all OBS sources, you can totally do that. The only thing you can't do is renaming sources or putting them out of the groups.

Can I change the scene name?


Date Changes Version
February 02, 2025 Release 1.0.0