

Never ever get into the situation of forgetting someone's birthday again! Have your viewers add their birthday (or let your mods add them) and the bot will automatically wish happy birthday once they join the chat.

And no worries if you didn't stream on their birthday – it works for belated birthday wishes too!


1. Copy the Action Import text from above into your clipboard.

2. In Streamer.bot, click the Import button at the top of the window. Paste the text into the Import String section and press Import at the bottom.

3. Now head to the Commands tab and look for the imported commands. Then rightclick the group and select Group -> Enable All.

4. In the action [User Birthday] 1 - Set / Change / Delete, make sure you have your preferred dateFormat.

Other than that, you're good to go!

Pog Clap



Sets your own birthday date.


Posts the birthday date of the specified user to chat.


Posts the next upcoming birthdays into chat.


Adds a birthday date for the specified user.


Changes the set birthday date of the specified user.


Deletes the birthday date of the specified user.


Under Custom -> USER BIRTHDAYS you will be able to find triggers whenever a (belated) birthday has been wished.

Birthday Wished

Fires when a birthday wish is sent on time.

Available variables:

  • birthdayUser (string) - The display name of the congratulated person
  • birthdayUserName (string) - The login name of the congratulated person
  • birthdayUserId (string) - The user ID of the congratulated person
  • birthdayUserProfileImageUrl (string) - The profile image URL of the congratulated person
  • birthdayDate (DateTime) - DateTime object of the current year with the congratulated person's birthday date
  • birthdayDateFormatted (string) - Formatted birthday date of the congratulated person
  • birthdayDay (int) - Birthday day of the congratulated person
  • birthdayMonth (int) - Birthday month of the congratulated person
  • isBelated (bool) - Indicator whether the wishes have been belated or not
  • belatedDays (int) - Passed days since the birthday (0 if not belated)

Belated Birthday Wished

Fires when a belated birthday wish is sent.

Available variables:

  • birthdayUser (string) - The display name of the congratulated person
  • birthdayUserName (string) - The login name of the congratulated person
  • birthdayUserId (string) - The user ID of the congratulated person
  • birthdayUserProfileImageUrl (string) - The profile image URL of the congratulated person
  • birthdayDate (DateTime) - DateTime object of the current year with the congratulated person's birthday date
  • birthdayDateFormatted (string) - Formatted birthday date of the congratulated person
  • birthdayDay (int) - Birthday day of the congratulated person
  • birthdayMonth (int) - Birthday month of the congratulated person
  • isBelated (bool) - Indicator whether the wishes have been belated or not
  • belatedDays (int) - Passed days since the birthday (0 if not belated)

Date Changes Version
February 13, 2025 Fixed a bug with the !birthday next command not displaying the correct order 1.0.1
February 02, 2025 Release 1.0.0