

A custom Streamer.bot trigger that fires when a streamer you follow goes live.

Waiting for a friend to go live to raid to? Or just having a nice toast notification for your personal use? Well, know you know exactly.


1. Copy the Action Import text from above into your clipboard.

2. In Streamer.bot, click the Import button at the top of the window. Paste the text into the Import String section and press Import at the bottom.

If you want to test it right away, you can rightclick the Broadcaster Authenticated trigger and hit Test Trigger. Otherwise it'll activate itself automatically the next time you start Streamer.bot.

But other than that, you're done!
Pog Clap


Under Custom -> LIVE TRIGGER you will be able to find a trigger that fires for every followed stream that went live. If you want to filter for just specific ones, see FAQ & EXAMPLES below.


Fires for every followed stream that went live.

Available variables:

  • user (string) - The user’s display name.
  • userName (string) - The user’s login name.
  • userId (string) - The user’s ID.
  • profileImageUrl (string) - The user’s profile image URL.
  • title (string) - The stream’s title.
  • channelDescription (string) - The user’s channel description.
  • game (string) - The stream’s category.
  • startedAt (string) - Date and time of the stream start.
  • language (string) - Language code of the stream, e.g. en.
  • thumbnailUrl (string) - URL of the thumbnail in 1920x1080. Note: might not be populated right after stream start.
  • isMature (bool) - Bool indicating whether the stream is set to “mature”.
  • tags (string) - The stream tags.
  • isModerator (bool) - Bool indicating whether the user is a moderator in your channel.
  • isFollowing (bool) - Bool indicating whether the user is following your channel.
  • isSubscribed (bool) - Bool indicating whether the user is subscribed to your channel.
  • isAffiliate (bool) - Bool indicating whether the user is an affiliate.
  • isPartner (bool) - Bool indicating whether the user is a partner.

How do I make it trigger for a specific streamer?

Since the custom trigger comes with a bunch of variables (see CUSTOM TRIGGER above), you can create a Core -> Logic -> If/Else subaction and check for the userName. If it's the specified one, continue down the action, otherwise break. Best to use the Equals (Ignore Case) operator.

How do I make it trigger for multiple specific streamers?

You can either use the User Group subactions or, you do it like above, but instead use the operator Regex Match. The Value will then have all the usernames you want it to trigger for, seperated by a Pipe Symbol |. All names in lowercase: pewdiepie|pokimane|annitheduck

Date Changes Version
February 02, 2025 Release 1.0.0